Firewood Ministry

Firewood Ministry

Firewood for Sale in Canton, NC

Purchase affordable firewood and aid those in need. All proceeds from firewood sales help the ministry provide heating for church widows and support the underprivileged in Canton, NC.

If you are located in Canton area and would like hardwood (on the ground) removed from your property, schedule a pick-up by calling 828-400-1141..

Pricing and Ordering

Prices listed below include free delivery for dumped loads within our delivery area. To order wood and schedule a delivery time, please contact Pastor Chris Willett at 828-400-1141.

Small Load-$125

A small load comprises three rows of neatly stacked wood across the back of a dump bed pick-up (as shown in the pictures below). The approximate measurements are 2′ (H) x 7.5′ (W) x 4′ (D).

Large Load-$250 (Best Value)

A large load fills the entire bed of a dump bed truck, piled high above the side rails (as shown in the pictures below).

About Our Ministry

The High Street Baptist Church Men’s Firewood Ministry was established by dear and faithful church member Donald Rice in 2007. Though Don has gone home to Jesus, his legacy continues as the ministry remains committed to providing heating for the church’s widows and caring for the disadvantaged members of the community. We invite our church men (and their sons) to join the ministry to help in the pick-up, processing and delivery of firewood.

Donald Rice (Left) with members Steve Warner (Center) and Eric Ashe (Right)